Spansih Reflexive Verbs Irregular
In this lesson, we’ll take a look at irregular reflexive verbs in Spanish. These are 9 irregular reflexive verbs and they follow the same patterns as the irregular verbs learned in the present tense. The first two change their stems from “e” to “i”. Take a look as we go over them:
all forms: Yo, Ud. etc... | Nosotros – regular | |
The verb | becomes: | |
“vestirse” | me visto, se viste, etc | The nosotros form, that likes to stay regular, is: Nos vestimos |
“despedirse” | me despido, se despide, etc | The nosotros form is: nos despedimos |
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The next few, the stems change from “e” to “ie”. Let’s take a look.
all forms: Yo, Ud. etc... | Nosotros – regular | |
The verb “sentirse” becomes: | me siento, se siente, etc. | The nosotros form, that likes to stay regular is: nos sentimos |
The verb “divertirse” becomes: | me divierto, se divierte, etc. | The nosotros form is nos divertimos |
The verb “sentarse” becomes: | me siento, se sienta, etc. | The nosotros form is nos sentamos |
The verb “despertarse” becomes: | me despierto, se despierta | The nosotros form is nos despertamos |
The next one changes from “o” to “ue”
all forms: Yo, Ud. etc... | Nosotros – regular | |
It is the verb “acostarse”, which becomes: | me acuesto, se acuesta, etc. | And the nosotros form is nos acostamos |
Now, our final group of irregular reflexive verbs change only in the “yo” form:
Yo - irregular | all other forms - regular | |
The verb “darse cuenta” becomes: | me doy cuenta, | the other “regular” forms are se da cuenta, nos damos cuenta, and so forth. |
Now for a quick note about this verb. If you put something after this phrase, you have to add-on the word “de”. For example, to say, “She realizes that” in Spanish would be “Se da cuenta de eso”.
The next verb is “caerse” which, in the “yo” form becomes: | me caigo | again, the rest of the forms are regular: se cae, nos caemos, etc. |
Try to remember these irregular verbs, and see if you can get them correct, as you continue on to the practice session.
Spanish Practice Session
Now that you have seen the irregular reflexive verbs, let’s try a verbal quiz. Read the phrase in English (or have someone read it to you), then say out loud what the phrase means in Spanish.
I feel sick | Me siento enfermo |
He gets dressed | Se viste |
She says goodbye to me | Se despide de mí |
(Juan) You realize | Te das cuenta |
We have fun | Nos divertimos |
They sit down | Se sientan |
All of you wake up | Se despiertan |
(Dr. Fernández) You lay down | Se acuesta |
I fall down | Me caigo |
We say goodbye to her | Nos despedimos de ella |
I realize | Me doy cuenta |
He falls down | Se cae |
She has fun | Se divierte |