Imperative Direct Objects & Reflexives Spanish Verb Conjugation
Direct objects and reflexive commands work the same for “Ud.”, “Uds.” and “Tú”. However, they are different for positive and negative commands. Let’s take a look at how they work. For positive commands, direct objects and reflexive pronouns come after the verb. They hook right onto the verb and because of that, a written accent mark has to be placed over the stressed vowel. Here are some examples. Feel free to look at the charts if you need to as you go through this lesson for the first time.
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(Tú)Eat it | Cómelo |
(Ud) Help me | Ayúdeme |
(Tú)Invite her | Invítala |
(Uds.) Spend it | Gástenlo |
(Ud.) Teach them | Enséñelos |
(Tú) Call me | Llámame |
(Uds.) Wait for us | Espérennos |
(Tú) Wake up | Despiértate |
(Ud.) Sit down please | Siéntese por favor |
(Uds.) Stay here | Quédense aquí |
(Tú) Get ready | Arréglate |
(Uds.) Get dressed | Vístanse |
(Ud.) Please shave | Aféitese por favor |
(Tú) Brush your hair | Cepíllate el cabello |
Next are negative commands. Unlike positive commands, with negative commands, the direct object and reflexive pronouns go before the verbs. Take a look and try to guess the answers before they’re said.
(Tú) Don’t eat it | No lo comas |
(Ud) Don’t help me | No me ayude |
(Tú) Don’t invite her | No la invites |
(Uds.) Don’t spend it | No lo gasten |
(Ud.) Don’t teach them | No los enseñe |
(Tú) Don’t call me | No me llame |
(Uds.) Don’t wait for us | No nos esperen |
(Tú) Don’t wake up late | No te despiertes tarde |
(Ud.) Don’t sit down | No se siente |
(Uds.) Don’t stay here | No se queden aquí |
(Tú) Don’t get ready | No te arregles |
(Uds.) Don’t get angry | No se enojen |
(Ud.) Please don’t shave | Por favor no se afeite |
(Tú) Don’t brush your hair | No te cepilles el cabello |