Have Conjugations Spanish Verb Conjugation
Spine have verbs use the following chart. Some examples of how these would be used are “I had eaten” and “She had studied”. First you conjugate “haber” or “have” in the “spine” or “preterite” tense.
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Have Verbs + Spine
Haber (had)
hube | hubimos |
hubiste | habisteis |
hubo | hubieron |
ar verb stem +ado
er/ir verb stem +ido
Then you put the appropriate “a-d-o” or “i-d-o” ending on the verbs.
Although the “Spine” or “Preterite” tense is used frequently, with “have” verbs it isn’t so common. It is much more common to use “back” or “imperfect” have verbs for communicating past tense. The implied meaning is the same as the Spine or Preterite tense. Examples would be “I had eaten” and “She had studied”. Here’s how to conjugate them: First you conjugate “haber” or “have” in the “Back” or “Imperfect” tense:
Have Verbs + Back
Haber (had)
había | habíamos |
habías | habíais |
había | habían |
Then you put the appropriate “a-d-o” or “i-d-o” ending on the verbs.
A few examples are:
She had spoken (Ella hablar) | Había hablado |
I had eaten (Yo comer) | Había comido |
We had washed our hands (nosotros) | Nos habíamos lavado las manos |
Next we’ll cover “have” verbs using “would” or the “conditional” tense. Examples of this tense are: “I would have eaten” or “She would have studied”. First you conjugate “haber” or “have” in the “would” or “conditional” tense:
Have Verbs + Would
Haber (would have)
habría | habríamos |
habrías | habríais |
habría | habrían |
ar verb stem +ado
er/ir verb stem +ido
Then you put the appropriate “a-d-o” or “i-d-o” ending on the verbs.
A few examples are:
She would have spoken (Ella hablar) | Habría hablado |
I would have eaten (Yo comer) | Habría comido |
We would have washed our hands (nosotros) | Nos habríamos lavado las manos |
Finally in this lesson we’ll cover future “have” verbs. Examples of this tense are. “I will have eaten” or “She will have studied”. First you conjugate “haber” or “have” in the “will” or “future” tense:
Have Verbs + Will
Haber (will have)
habré | habremos |
habrás | habréis |
habrá | habrán |
ar verb stem +ado
er/ir verb stem +ido
Then you put the appropriate “a-d-o” or “i-d-o” ending on the verbs.
A few examples are:
She will have spoken (Ella hablar) | Habrá hablado |
I will have eaten (Yo comer) | Habré comido |
We will have washed our hands (nosotros) | Nos habremos lavado las manos |