Conditional Reflexive Spanish Verb Conjugation
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Now let’s take a look at “Reflexive Would” verbs. The same reflexive rules apply here as in other lessons. When there is only one verb, the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se or nos) goes in front. For example, “We would be getting married soon, but…” would be “Nos casaremos pronto, pero…” Remember from previous lessons, if there are two verbs, the reflexive pronoun can either go in front of both verbs or after both. For example, the phrase “We would need to wash our hands” could either be “Necesitaríamos lavarnos las manos” or “Nos necesitaríamos lavar las manos”. Let’s practice with a few of those now. Try to guess the answers. To simplify, where there are two verbs, we’ll put the reflexive pronoun after both verbs…even though it can go either before or after both verbs.
Are you ready?
She would complain a lot | Se quejaría muchof |
I would want to forget that | Querría olvidarme de eso. |
I would go to brush my teeth | Iría a cepillarme los dientes. |
They would stay here | Se quedarían aquí. |
He would get angry | Se enojaría |
I would get up early | Me levantaría temprano |
He would shave every day | Se afeitaría todos los días. |
Juan would not (or wouldn’t) be able to wash his hands | Juan no podría lavarse las manos. |
She would say goodbye | Se despediría |
I would always wake up late | Siempre me levantaría temprano. |
I would bathe | me bañaría |
(Marta) You would shower | te ducharías |
He would break (his ___) | se rompería (el/la, los/las ___) |
She would get sick | se enfermaría |
(Sra. Benites) You would brush (your ___) | se cepillaría (el/la, los/las ___) |
We would burn ourselves | nos quemaríamos |
They would take off | se quitarían |
All of you would wash (your ___) | se lavarían (el/la, los/las ___) |
I would dry (my ___) | me secaría (el/la, los/las ___) |
(Martín) You would shave | te afeitarías |
He would get angry | se enojaría |
She would get married | se casaría |
(Sr. Mendes) You would be called | se llamaría |
We would get ready | nos arreglaríamos |
They would complain | se quejarían |
All of you would worry | se preocuparían |
I would work in | me dedicaría a |
(Juana) You would get tired | te cansarías |
He would forget | se olvidaría |
She would stay | se quedaría |
(Sra. Benites) You would get up | se levantaría |
We would be called | nos llamaríamos |
They would get sick | se enfermarían |
All of you would get angry | se enojarían |
I would get married | me casaría |
We would meet | nos reuniríamos |
We would worry about | nos preocuparíamos |
(Rosa) You would work in | te dedicarías a |
(Raúl) You would remain | te quedarías |
We would get up | nos levantaríamos |