Russian Words for Travel
If you could travel the world or save the world, which would you choose? Yakov will help you learn important travel words in Russian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Russian mini-course
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English | Russian | Roman Spelling |
airport | аэропорт | aeroport |
baggage | багаж | bagazh |
boat | лодка | lodka |
bus station | автобусная станция | avtobusnaya stantziya |
cable | троллейбус | trolleybus |
carry on | ручная кладь | ruchnaya klad’ |
check-in | регистрация прибытия | registratziya pribytiya |
check-out | регистрация отбытия | registratziya otbytiya |
departure | вылет | vylet |
flight | полёт | polyot |
gate | ворота | vorota |
hotel | гостиница | gostinitza |
kiosk | киоск | kiosk |
landing | посадка | posadka |
line | очередь | ochered’ |
metal detector | металлодетектор | metallodetektor |
platform | платформа | platforma |
room | Номер \ комната | Nomer / komnata |
runway | взлётно-посадочная полоса | vzlyotno-posadochnaya polosa |
security guard | охранник | okhrannik |
ship | корабль | korabl’ |
subway | подземный переход | podzemniy perexod |
suitcase | чемодан | chemodan |
takeoff | взлёт | vzlyot |
terminal | терминал | terminal |
ticket | билет | bilet |
Learning Russian Travel Words
Hopefully you will be able to travel to Russia in your lifetime. When you have mastered these new words, return to the Russian words menu to learn more words. Travel is one of the main reasons to learn Russian. Many of the Russian phrases on the site may be useful to you. It will also serve you well to visit the Russian language section to learn about the Russian culture.