Russian Words for School Supplies
It's difficult to save the world if you don't have the right supplies. Yakov will help you learn the school supplies in Russian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Russian mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | Russian | Roman Spelling |
backpack | рюкзак | ryukzak |
briefcase | портфель | portfel’ |
calculator | калькулятор | kal’kulyator |
chair | стул | stul |
colored pencil | цветной карандаш | tzvetnoy karandash |
computer | компьютер | kompyuter |
crayons | цветной мелок | tzvetnoy melok |
desk | стол | stol |
folder | папка | papka |
glue | клей | klei |
markers | фломастеры | flomasteri |
mechanical pencil | механический карандаш | mekhanicheskii karandash |
notebook | тетрадь | tetrad’ |
paper | бумага | bumaga |
pen | ручка | ruchka |
pencil | карандаш | karandash |
staple | скрепка | skrepka |
stapler | сшиватель | schivatel' |
Learning Russian School Supply Words
Now that you have the right supplies and you can pronounce them in Russian, you can return to the Russian words menu to learn what you can do with them. Staying organized could help you learn Russian at a quicker pace. There are fun Russian phrases available for you to learn as well. If you want to learn a little bit about the Russian culture, be sure to visit the Russian language page.