Russian Words for Nature
What are you going to do to save Mother Nature? Start by learning nature words in Russian! Yakov will help you learn them with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Russian mini-course
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English | Russian | Roman Spelling |
cliff | утёс | utyos |
flower | цветок | tzvetok |
garden / yard | сад / двор | sad / dvor |
garden (vegetable) / orchard | огород / фруктовый сад | ogorod / fruktoviy sad |
grass (lawn) | трава | trava |
herb | травы | travi |
lake | озеро | ozero |
mountain range | горная гряда | gornaya gryada |
mountains | горы | gori |
ocean | океан | okean |
plant | растение | rastenie |
river | река | reka |
sea | море | more |
shore | берег | bereg |
soil | почва | pochva |
tree | дерево | derevo |
waterfalls | водопады | vodopadi |
weed | сорняк | sornyak |
Learning Russian Nature Words
You have now learned how to describe the world you will save. There are many more Russian words which will help you in your journey. You can learn Russian and enjoy this world even more. There are many Russian phrases for you to learn as well. Visit the Russian language pages to increase your knowledge of the Russian culture.