Russian Words for Food I
Maybe you will save the world with food, so it is very important that you learn the basic food words in Russian. Yakov will help you learn them in Russian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Russian mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | Russian | Roman Spelling |
appetizer | закуска | zakuska |
avocado | авокадо | avokado |
beef | говядина | govyadina |
breakfast | завтрак | zavtrak |
cauliflower | цветная капуста | tzvetnaya kapusta |
celery | сельдерей | sel’derey |
cheese | сыр | syr |
chicken | курица | kuritza |
dessert | десерт | decert |
dinner | ужин | uzhin |
egg | яйцо | yaytzo |
fish (cooked) | рыба | ryba |
food | еда | eda |
french fries | картофель фри | kartofel’ fri |
hamburger | гамбургер | gamburger |
hotdog | хотдог | hotdog |
lettuce | салат-латук | salat-latuk |
lunch | обед | obed |
main dish | главное блюдо | glavnoe blyudo |
milk | молоко | moloko |
pork | свинина | svinina |
potatoes | картофель | kartofel’ |
salad | салат | salat |
sandwich | сэндвич | sendvich |
soup | суп | sup |
sugar | сахар | sakhzr |
turkey | индюшка | indyushka |
water | вода | voda |
Learning Russian Food I Words
If you didn't just save the world, you are probably very hungry. Go grab a snack and come back! Now that you have mastered this food list, return to the Russian words menu for another food list or something else. It is wonderful to eat and learn Russian at the same time! The lists of Russian phrases might be important, especially if you need to ask where the bathroom is now. Be sure to learn cool stuff about the Russian language too!