Russian Words for Bedroom
If you are going to save the world, you will need some sleep. Yakov will help you learn essential bedroom words in Russian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Russian mini-course
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English | Russian | Roman Spelling |
alarm clock | будильник | budil’nik |
bed | кровать | krovat’ |
bedroom | спальня | spal’nya |
blanket | одеяло | odeyalo |
ceiling | потолок | potolok |
closet | шкаф | shkaf |
dresser | комод | komod |
hanger | вешалка | veshalka |
lamp | лампа | lampa |
nightstand | тумбочка | tumbochka |
pillow | подушка | podushka |
sheets | простыни | prostyni |
wall | стена | stena |