Russian Words for At the Store
It's hard to save the world when you can't buy anything at the store. Yakov is waiting to help you learn important Russian shopping words with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Russian mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | Russian | Roman Spelling |
bag | сумка | sumka |
cans | банки | banki |
cashier | кассир | kassir |
cash register | касса | kassa |
dairy department | молочный отдел | molochnyi otdel |
frozen foods department | отдел замороженных продуктов | otdel zamorozhennykh produktov |
grocery store | гастроном | gastronom |
receipt | квитанция | kvitantziya |
Learning Russian Store Words
Are you having fun as you learn Russian and shop around? We thought so. Now you are ready to move on to more Russian words. You might also be interested in important Russian phrases like "I love you" and "Where is the bathroom". If you are looking for interesting culture and Russian language information, this is the place.