Common Russian Phrases
These common Russian phrases will help you sound more like a native speaker. Learn them with free audio flash cards from a native Russian and the Lingo Dingo review game.
Russian mini-course
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English | Russian |
What a shame | Kakoy |
I can’t believe it | Ne mogu v eto poverit’ |
What time is it? | Kotoryy chas? |
I'm running late. | Ya opazdyvayu. |
How’s your family? | Kak vasha semya? |
Where do you work? | Gde vy rabotaete? |
Where are you from? | Otkuda vy? |
Are you from around here? (to male) | Vy mestnyy? |
Are you from around here? (to female) | Vy mestnaya? |
Where do you live? | Gde vy zhiviote? |
How old are you? | Skol’ko vam let? |
Are you on Facebook? | Vy pol’zuetes’ Facebookom? |
What’s your phone number? | Kakoi u vas nomer telefona? |
What do you like to do? | Chem vy lyubite zanimat’sya? |
I need to use the restroom. | Mne nuzhno otoyti v tualet. |
I’ll be right back. | Ya skoro vernus’. |
Please repeat | Povtorite, pozhaluysta. |
I like your shirt | Krasivaya bluzka. |
Are you kidding? | Shutite? |
Just kidding | Ya prosto shuchu |
Talk to you later | Pogovorim pozzhe |
See you soon | Do skoroy vstrechi |
Learning Common Russian Phrases
Return to the Russian phrases page once you have impressed the natives with your knowledge of common Russian phrases. There are also many lists of common Russian words that you can learn for free. There are many free resources to help you learn Russian here at Visual Link Languages including the Russian verbs page.