Italian Italian Months and Days

Which month and day did you save the world? You must say it in Italian. Stella the Italian will help you learn the months and days in Italian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!

Italian mini-course

English Italian
January gennaio
February febbraio
March marzo
April aprile
May maggio
June giugno
July luglio
August agosto
September settembre
October ottobre
English Italian
November novembre
December dicembre
Monday (il) lunedì
Tuesday (il) martedì
Wednesday (il) mercoledì
Thursday (il) giovedì
Friday (il) venerdì
Saturday (il) sabato
Sunday (la) domenica

Learning Italian Month and Day Words

When you are talking about months, days, and time, it's important to know the Italian numbers as well. Now that you understand the months and days, return to the Italian words menu to be a better storyteller. Your quest to learn Italian will only help you. Your stories could also be filled with delightful Italian phrases. Mastery of the Italian culture will make you the best storyteller.