Italian Living Room
Has anyone ever saved the world from their living room? You be the first. Stella the Italian will help you learn the important living room words in Italian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Italian mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | Italian |
the carpet | il tappeto |
the fire place | il caminetto |
the living room | il soggiorno |
the painting | il quadro |
the recliner | la poltrona reclinabile |
English | Italian |
the shelf | lo scaffale |
the sofa | il divano |
the staircase | le scale |
the tv | il tee vu |
the vase | il vaso |
Learning Italian Living Room Words
These new words will enhance your living room life! Stay comfortable on your sofa by returning to the Italian words menu to learn other words. Your quest to learn Italian does not require much exercise. However, daily exercise is recommended. There is a fun list of Italian phrases to help you in most situations. Visit the Italian culture page for Italian culture information.