Italian Animals
Can't save the world yet? Learn the animals in Italian instead. Stella the Italian will help you learn the Italian Animals with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Italian mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | Italian |
the animals | gli animali |
the bear | l'orso |
the beaver | il castoro |
the cat | il gatto |
the chimpanzee | lo scimpanzé |
the deer | il cervo |
the dog | il cane |
the elephant | l'elefante |
the fish | il pesce |
the fox | la volpe |
the goat | la capra |
the gorilla | il gorilla |
the hippopotamus | l'ippopotamo |
the horse | il cavallo |
the hyena | la iena |
the kangaroo | il canguro |
the kitten | il gattino |
English | Italian |
the leopard | il leopardo |
the llama | il lama |
the monkey | la scimmia |
the mouse | il topo |
the panda | il panda |
the penguin | il pinguino |
the pet | l'animale domestico |
the puppy | il cucciolo |
the rabbit | il coniglio |
the rat | il ratto |
the rhino | il rinoceronte |
the sheep | la pecora |
the squirrel | lo scoiattolo |
the tiger | la tigre |
the whale | la balena |
the wolf | il lupo |
the zebra | la zebra |
Learning Italian Animal Words
Learning Italian Animals can be fun. Once you master the animals, return to the Italian words menu to learn other words. Remember to work hard and have fun as you learn Italian. There are also many important Italian phrases for you to learn as well. In addition, you can learn about the Italian culture on our Italian culture page.