Italian Verbs - Group 9
Group 9 has 25 more Italian verbs for you to learn. Learn for free with audio flash cards and the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo! One of these verbs could help you save the world!
Italian mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | Italian |
to cry | piangere |
to cut | tagliare |
to declare | dichiarare |
to deposit | depositare |
to dial | fare il numero |
to mark | segnare |
to doubt | dubitare |
to employ | assumere |
to experiment | sperimentare |
to experience | provare |
to express | esprimere |
to fight | litigare |
to find out | scoprire |
English | Italian |
to finish | finire |
to get rid of | liberarsi di |
to throw away | buttare via |
to fly | volare |
to form, shape | formare |
to function, run (machine) | funzionare |
to get dirty | sporcarsi |
to get someone's attention | attirare l'attenzione di qualcuno |
to get | ricevere |
to grab | afferrare |
to give as a present | dare un regalo |
to greet | salutare |
Learning Italian Verbs Group 9
Keep working hard! Return to the Italian verbs menu when you have mastered Group 9 of the Italian verbs. There are also lists of Italian words available for you to learn. You may be interested in learning from our list of survival Italian phrases or love phrases. Continue working hard and having fun as you learn Italian!