Sports may not help you save the world, but they can strengthen your physical and mental condition. Helga the German will help you learn the sports in German with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
German mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | German |
badminton | Badminton |
baseball | Baseball |
basketball | Basketball |
cricket | Kricket |
cycling | Radrennsport |
football | Football |
the game (sporting event) | das Spiel |
golf | Golf |
team handball | Handball |
English | German |
hockey | Hockey |
horseback riding | Reitsport |
ping pong | Tischtennis |
rugby | Rugby |
soccer | Fußball |
swimming | Schwimmen |
the team | die Mannschaft |
tennis | Tennis |
volleyball | Volleyball |
Learning German Sports Words
If you don't enjoy playing or watching sports, maybe you should return to the German words menu to learn other words more interesting to you. Your desire to learn German will only increase as you focus on useful and interesting topics. Don't forget to learn important German phrases as well. If you are simply searching for German culture information, visit the German language pages.