Describing the outside of your home is almost as fun as saving the world. Helga the German will help you learn important outside words in German with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
German mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | German |
the brick | der Backstein |
the bush | der Busch |
the chimney | der Schornstein |
the door | die Tür |
the driveway | die Zufahrt |
the garage | die Garage |
the lawn | der Rasen |
English | German |
outside | draußen |
the patio | der Innenhof |
the porch | die Veranda |
the roof | das Dach |
the sidewalk | der Bürgersteig |
the wall | die Wand |
the window | das Fenster |
Learning German Outside Words
Now that you can describe where you live, you should return to the German words menu to learn about more fun things you could do. The goal is for you to be able to learn German to speak with others. Important German phrases can help you sound more fluent in the German language.