Since your family will be honored when you save the world, it's important that you introduce them properly in German. Helga the German will help you learn the family words in German with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
German mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | German |
the aunt | die Tante |
the boyfriend | der Freund |
the brother | der Bruder |
the brother-in-law | der Schwager |
the cousins | die Cousinen |
the dad | der Papa |
the daughter | die Tochter |
the daughter-in-law | die Schwiegertochter |
the family | die Familie |
the father | der Vater |
the father-in-law | der Schwiegervater |
the fiancé | der Verlobte |
the friend | der Freund |
the girlfriend | die Freundin |
the grandma | die Großmutter |
English | German |
the grandpa | der Großvater |
the grandparents | die Großeltern |
the husband | der Ehemann |
the mom | die Mama |
the mother | die Mutter |
the mother-in-law | die Schwiegermutter |
the nephew | der Neffe |
the niece | die Nichte |
the relationships | die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse |
the sister | die Schwester |
the sister-in-law | die Schwägerin |
the son | der Sohn |
the son-in-law | der Schwiegersohn |
the uncle | der Onkel |
the wife | die Ehefrau |
Learning German Family Words
The most important words you can tell your family are thank you, sorry, and I love you. Take a moment and learn how to say thank you in German with audio flash cards and the Lingo Dingo review game. Your efforts to learn German will help you meet more people. Learn German phrases to better communicate with family and friends. The German culture pages help you learn about German culture and other interesting things.