Common German Phrases
These common German phrases will help you sound more like a native speaker. Learn them with free audio flash cards from a native German and the Lingo Dingo review game.
German mini-course
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English | German |
What a shame | Schade |
I can't believe it | Ich kann es nicht glauben |
What time is it? | Wie spät ist es? |
Can you help me? | Können Sie/Kannst du mir helfen? |
I'm running late. | Ich bin zu spät dran. |
How's your family? | Wie geht es der Familie? |
Where do you work? | Wo arbeiten Sie/arbeitest du? |
Where are you from? | Woher kommen Sie/kommst du? |
Are you from around here? | Sind Sie/Bist du von hier? |
Where do you live? | Wo wohnen Sie/wohnst Du? |
How old are you? | Wie alt sind Sie/bist du? |
Are you on Facebook? | Sind Sie/Bist du auf Facebook? |
What's your phone number? | Was ist Ihre/deine Telefonnummer? |
What do you like to do? | Was möchten Sie/möchtest du unternehmen? |
I need to use the restroom. | Ich muss zur Toilette. |
I'll be right back. | Ich bin gleich zurück. |
Please repeat | Bitte wiederholen. |
I like your shirt | Ich mag Ihr/dein Hemd. |
Are you kidding? | Machen Sie/machst du Witze? |
Just kidding | War nur ein Scherz. |
Talk to you later | Ich melde mich später. |
See you soon | Bis bald! |
See You Soon in German
Return to the German phrases page once you have impressed the natives with your knowledge of common German phrases. There are also many lists of common German words that you can learn for free. There are many free resources to help you learn German here at Visual Link Languages including the German verbs page.