French Greetings
Learn the basic French greetings like how are you in French and goodbye in French with free audio flash cards from a native and the Lingo Dingo review game!
French mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | French |
Good morning. | Bonjour. |
Good afternoon. | Bon après-midi. |
Good evening. (greeting) | Bonsoir. |
Hello, my name is John. | Bonjour, je m'appelle Jean. |
What is your name? | Comment tu t'appelles? |
How are things? | Quoi de nouveau? |
Fine, thanks. | Très bien, merci. |
How are you? | Comment vas-tu? |
I am fine. | Je vais bien. |
Nice to meet you. | Enchanté. |
Goodbye. | Au revoir. |
See you later | A bientôt. |